Sex addiction may be seen as naughty and friendly, as most people report that they would like to have more sex than they are having. Sex addiction is harmful to the addict and sometimes to the environment. Sex addict women are seen as nymphomaniacs. It is worth emphasizing that addiction is controlled by the subconscious mind and bypasses logic. Persuasion does not help in a state of addiction. Psychological treatments (by sexologists) do not penetrate the subconscious. The conventional explanation that sex addiction is a desperate search for love is relatively simplistic.
I recommend you find a support group for sex addicts. There must also be women in the group. A personal bond with the leader of the group and its members is vital.
The second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, is the one that activates sexuality, and therefore, the emphasis must be on releasing traumas in this context of pleasures. (not necessarily sexual)
I recommend that you, at the same time, look for a qualified hypnotist that you trust. (which is not a sexual object) Hypnosis can penetrate the subconscious and locate after several sessions the event in your past that caused you to become sexually addicted. It is likely an event from the distant past. It is possible that today, you would not attach importance to the event at all. After identifying the event that caused you to become addicted, it is possible to extract the event from the subconscious and move it to a place where it does not cause harm—no need to forget it.
The methodology that deals with addictions is unusual; I recommend you read the article in the attached link. The article does demonstrate gambling addiction, but the principles are very similar.
Link: Addictions Unifying Model with its Unique Energy-reward Mechanism. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Is there a need for love in a relationship?
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