A summary of all the accumulated information about extraterrestrial civilizations, human interfaces, and upcoming historical documented encounters.
The questions and answers summarize comprehensive topics I have covered in more detail in separate posts. Many questions still have no answers. In this post, I provide a glimpse, in points only, of most of the information I have accumulated about extraterrestrials.
Readers' questions encompass the full spectrum of extraterrestrial topics and reflect the public's overwhelming interest in them. The following link provides updated information to complete the big picture about extraterrestrials.
The blog on extraterrestrials is dedicated to the late Adrian Dvir, a computer engineer, medium, and founder of extraterrestrial civilizations science. Link: Adrian Dvir is the founder of extraterrestrial civilizations science.
Much of the information I provide on this blog is based on Adrian Dvir's book, X3 Healing, Beings, and Extraterrestrials, including my direct channeling with extraterrestrials.
I wish to emphasize that, unlike humans, who are a uniform species (homo-sapiens), extraterrestrials have various species that differ significantly. Therefore, the answers relate to a broad common denominator.
In April 2024, extraterrestrials mentioned (via channeling) that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials would occur in 2026 after several natural catastrophic events. The historical encounter with extraterrestrials will be with extraterrestrials with a very different appearance that does not resemble humans.
Summary of known facts regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/138 (Copy & Paste)
Readers' inquiries regarding extraterrestrials and human encounters.
https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/329 (Copy & Paste)
Summary of known facts regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
22/10/2022 4:59
The next post: What is curiosity? (Not a behavior nor an instinct)
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