I have extensive experience with hundreds of acupunctures in China over 15 years, with many excellent doctors. The effect of acupuncture inspired me greatly in writing the materials on this website.
Acupuncture is a powerful healing technique that affects the physical body by balancing the life-force (Qi) energy flow along the energy channels (meridians). The fact that acupuncture is effective in such a wide range of symptoms and diseases - is no coincidence! The energy of life exists in every cell in our body. Acupuncture treats many diseases, pains, and medical problems without side effects.
Types of pain and symptoms where acupuncture is beneficial.
Acupuncture is beneficial, especially with a healthy lifestyle and a proper and balanced diet.
Injuries and accidents involving joint pain.
Influenza. (Especially non-chronic.)
Local pains of all kinds.
Acupuncture can be beneficial in weight loss!
Getting pregnant.
Difficulties and disturbances in sleep.
Acupuncture is less effective in severe mechanical blockages in the organs that tend to get blocked. (Such as the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and liver)
Link: Acupuncture — Balances the Body's life-force (qi) energy.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/129 (Copy & Paste)
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