Discussion: I am 50 years old with a fatty liver; I noticed that my hair became very thinning; I tried castor oil and all kinds of home remedies without much success. Are there natural ways to strengthen hair?

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I am 50 years old with a fatty liver; I noticed that my hair became very thinning; I tried castor oil and all kinds of home remedies without much success. Are there natural ways to strengthen hair?

My hair also was thinning fast. I would take two big handfuls of hair out of my brush twice a week when I brushed my hair in the shower. After doing the liver flush the first time, within a few days it stopped thinning! Now I just have a little bit come out in the brush. Doing my sixth flush today and I'm hoping that after I get my liver completely flushed my hair might start growing back, but if not, I'm happy just to have it stop getting any thinner.
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