Discussion: If you have ever wondered why one sweats a lot when having a high fever:

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If you have ever wondered why one sweats a lot when having a high fever:

Sweating is controlled mainly by the kidneys. Fever is a natural mechanism to fight inflammation, as most bacteria, viruses, and parasites do not tolerate high temperatures. Drugs that lower body temperature oppose the body's natural mechanism. They fight only the symptoms. Enhanced sweating without physical effort during fever reproduces the exact mechanism as a sauna. It releases salts and maybe also toxins. I believe that to a certain extent, a steam sauna mimics a "fever," producing increased sweating that also has a positive impact on the immune system due to lower blood pressure, relaxation, toxic salts, and other harmful chemicals that are excreted with the sweat—feeling more alert after a steam sauna is directly related to the fact that heat lowers blood pressure and the pulse. It helps to relax the body and raises qi energy levels.

Link: Immune system boost and rehabilitation.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/109 (Copy & Paste)

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