Discussion: On the verge of death, I had strange visions from previous incarnations.

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On the verge of death, I had strange visions from previous incarnations.

I also had visions from the future (which have not yet happened), which led me on a fascinating journey through physics, philosophy, mathematics, and metaphysics. The thought that the future can be predicted! Raises fascinating questions in the fields of physics and philosophy.

Assuming the future can be predicted with absolute certainty, what are the physical-philosophical possibilities for the phenomenon? (Not at the level of probability)

1 The future has already happened! But in a different dimension, which is not transparent to us. Today, we are experiencing a future that has already happened! (A kind of hologram)
2. The future (in our time sequence) has not necessarily happened, but it is dictated and known in advance at the level of a route. (There are several definite alternatives.) Similar to computer simulation.

These two possibilities (and more in between) are the only two logical possibilities I can think of. Both are fascinating and raise countless questions and concerns about the essence of life and our destiny in the world.

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