The Kardashev scale, from 1964, needs updating as a scaling methodology for assessing the level of technological development of civilizations.
The system of ranking technological development proposed by Kardashev in 1964 brought about a conceptual revolution, and rightly so. However, its arguments are no longer valid when an ultimate energy source such as nuclear fusion is abundant. Deep space travel is critical for the species' survival over time, and therefore, the measure of technological development is related to these abilities. As an update to the Kardashev scale, I propose an updated scale that is simple, objective, and independent of the civilization's population size. The index formula I propose does not require mathematical knowledge.
Introduction to the Kardashev scale.
Link: The Kardashev Scale - Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization
The ideas presented by Kardashev and Dyson in the 1960s were progressive, but considering current knowledge about new technologies requires rethinking. The idea of a Dyson sphere was a mental challenge and not quite feasible. Harnessing solar energy directly from the sun and heat and converting it to electricity are low-efficiency, high-cost, and expensive maintenance processes.
There is no need to harness the energies of entire galaxies in complex, inefficient, expensive, and possibly polluting processes when an available energy source can be minimized inside spacecraft.
The highest known energy density is the strong nuclear force. (Thanks to which the atomic nuclei converge).
Nuclear energy production can take two forms: nuclear fission, familiar to us as the production of electricity, and nuclear fusion, like that which exists in the sun.
Nuclear fusion technology was already proven applicable at Livermore Laboratories in California in December 2022. Experimental reactors are already being built in France and Japan. Nuclear fusion technology is considered, not for nothing, the holy grail of green energy.
The advantages of nuclear fusion over atomic fission are apparent. Indeed, extraterrestrials report that they use nuclear fusion technology to propel spacecraft!
My premise, based on Adrian Dvir's book X3, Healing, Beings, and Extraterrestrials, is that extraterrestrials must travel through the vastness of the universe to survive for millions of years, so the energy they utilize must apply to spacecraft. First, all technologies that cannot be minimized are disqualified.
Given the ultimate source of energy, I saw fit to establish a different and more objective measure of the level of technological development of extraterrestrial civilizations.
The Kardashev scale has considerable drawbacks.
The Kardashev scale does not take into account civilizations with a small population.
Harnessing the energy of a star or an entire galaxy requires assuming that no other, denser source is available. (Nuclear fusion is the optimal source of energy)
Moreover, a volcano (for the illustration) cannot be inserted into a spacecraft.
Utilizing the energy of the forces of nature involves environmental damage and is not energy efficient.
In Adrien Dvir's X3 Helling, Entities and Extraterrestrials, aliens emphasize using nuclear fusion as their primary energy source.
Nuclear fusion (similar to that carried out in the sun) is clean energy, highly available (hydrogen is the most abundant element in nature), and can be operated in a reasonable volume of aircraft without environmental damage.
Therefore, I saw fit to propose a different scale of extraterrestrial technological development based on comparable principles but from a different angle.
Speeds higher than the speed of light exist in other dimensions. (Used by extraterrestrials constantly)
Link: Aliens can travel as fast as 500K, the speed of light.
It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, but the limitation exists only in the 3D we live in and not in other dimensions.
In Adrian Dvir's book X3 Healing Entities and Extraterrestrials, which describes communicating with very advanced extraterrestrials, the fact that they travel at speeds about half a million times faster than the speed of light we know. Thanks to conversion to other dimensions, they can also travel at such speeds and enormous distances, which a massive energy investment achieves. According to their explanation in the book, the limitation of the speed of light is related only to the dimensions in which we live. In other dimensions, there are subatomic particles that are much faster, and they dictate a speed limit that is dramatically higher than the one we know. Link: Adrian Dvir (Wikipedia)
The suggested scale for space-traveling civilizations' technological-level index
The measure I propose for the technological development of extraterrestrial civilizations is based on the maximum speed at which aliens travel through space and the speed of communication they perform (whichever is lower) divided by the speed of light. The index is logarithmic. (Base 10)
Currently, there are not enough cases to place on the scale. At the same time, most extraterrestrial civilizations likely travel at speeds exceeding the speed of light, with AATI greater than zero but on a finite scale.
ACTI- Advanced Civilizations Technological-Level Index.
Sv - Spacecraft velocity. (Maximum)
Ts - Telecommunications speed.
C - Speed of light (As we know it) The speed limit of light differs in higher dimensions.
MIN - Minimum. (The lowest of)
LOG - Logarithm (Base 10)
According to the proposed method, the measure of combined speeds above the speed of light is positive, and all speeds lower than the speed of light are negative.
Advanced Civilizations (space-traveling) Technological-Level Index— In short, ACTI.
The theoretical maximum speed on the ACTI scale is almost 7. (Ten million times faster than the speed of light) However, according to the information I received (through channeling), no civilization is known to have passed the ACTI of 6. (1 million times faster than the speed of light)
Numerical examples of the ACTI scale:
Humans ACTI illustrated.
Humans communicate at the speed of light but travel through space at a maximum speed of about 20 kilometers per second. (The speed of light is close to 300,000 kilometers per second.
Therefore, the ACTI for humans is -4.17
There are plans for the atomic propulsion of rockets (which are problematic to implement) that could theoretically reach a speed of about 3% of the speed of light. (The index remains negative. (but significantly smaller)
Specific extraterrestrials ACTI illustrated.
Highly evolved extraterrestrials move and communicate by converting to higher dimensions (with a considerable energy investment) at speeds that reach 500,000 times the speed of light! At such speeds, one minute is equivalent to about a lightyear.
Since extraterrestrials move and communicate at the same (unimaginable) speed, the index that can be calculated for them is the logarithm of 500,000.
Therefore, the ACTI for this specific alien civilization is 5.7.
It is essential to emphasize that other extraterrestrial civilizations probably move more slowly and possibly faster. At the same time, extraterrestrials also do not have infinite travel and communication speeds. Therefore, the scale (logarithmic) is bounded.
The suggested index ACTI has several advantages:
The population size of a civilization does not change the figure.
It is an accurate numerical figure and not a subjective estimate.
ACTI is intuitive and straightforward to understand.
Space flight requires high technology, life preservation, navigation, and communications, which undoubtedly represent the scale.
Suppose you meet an alien and ask him about his civilization's AATI scale. If he answers 6, you raise an eyebrow and immediately realize that he is flying through the universe at a million times the speed of light—a most impressive achievement.
The scale's premise is that the more advanced a civilization is, the faster it can move through the universe and communicate.
The gap between us and the aliens described in Adrian Dvir's book is about ten scales! It is essential to emphasize that scales cannot be translated into years or any other concept of time.
Continue reading: An encounter with superior aliens will fundamentally change humanity.
The scale I propose for determining civilizations' development levels is simple, objective, and independent of the civilization's population size.
Continue reading:
Index for technology level of space-traveling civilizations. (Copy & Paste)
Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity. (Copy & Paste)
Index for technology level of space-traveling civilizations.
08/01/2022 3:59
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