1 A wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits (preferably organic and not genetically modified)
Various fruits and vegetables are recommended to get the body's nutrients.
You can mix vegetables and fruits without any problem.
2. Do not rinse the juice ingredients with detergents.
Rinsing with hot water flowing under the sink several times is enough. Using detergents (including ecological) is not desirable.
3. The juice should not be too sweet. Adding lots of green leaves and lemon neutralizes the fruit and balances the pH.
The juice should not be too sweet. Adding lots of green leaves and lemon neutralizes the fruit and balances the pH.
It is recommended that sweet fruits be neutralized with green leafy vegetables. (Making the juice more alkaline.)
Leafy green vegetables contain chlorophyll-containing natural magnesium, other nutrients, and antioxidants.
Adding lemon and ginger is recommended because it prevents the juice's fast oxidation, ginger balances the lemon, and is a potent anti-inflammatory.
4. It is allowed to mix green leaves with sweet fruits and vegetables.
Green leaves are usually a chemical base, but drinking a significant amount of green leaf juice without mixing it with sweet fruits and vegetables isn't easy. The correct dose should produce a good taste and a neutral PH juice. The addition of lemon will make the juice alkaline inside our bodies.
5. The maximum amount of drinking juice. (Drinking Juice has no side effects.)
You can drink 6-10 glasses daily with no harm if needed.
6 Natural juice tends to oxidize quickly.
After preparing the juice, you must drink it within 15-20 minutes maximum because it oxidizes quickly. I do not recommend drinking juice that has been refrigerated because it loses its advantages. Drinking juice that comes in bottles from the supermarket is much more comfortable but almost useless.
7 Non-natural juice or canned juice has fewer values.
Drink fresh juice on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to eat immediately after drinking the juice. It would be best to allow the juice to be absorbed into the body, which takes about 30 minutes.
8. Combining natural juices (if necessary) with coffee enemas is advisable.
All the juicing rules remain the same when using coffee enemas. You can drink the juice before, during, or after the coffee enemas. The different timing of drinking may produce slight changes in the body's reaction.
9 The juice is not a substitute for eating vegetables and fruits! - It contains no dietary fiber.
Drinking fresh-squeezed juice is essential and has many benefits. However, since it does not contain fiber, it regularly requires dietary fiber (found only in a plant-based diet). Drinking juice is not a substitute for eating vegetables and fruit.
Recommended: Drinking freshly squeezed juice regularly boosts the immune system.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/130 (Copy & Paste)
The principles and guidelines of making freshly squeezed juices.
17/11/2020 17:17
The next post: Short-term and long-term health effects of drinking freshly squeezed juice regularly.
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