Nutrition has significance in recovery. However, combining body, mind, and spirit is often necessary to heal chronic diseases and addictions. A good diet is often incapable of curing obstructive diseases, calcifications, stones, degenerative diseases, and acute mental conditions. There is an exceptionally high weight to the cognitive dimension in addictions.
This article presents a different approach to Addiction and its reward mechanism, emphasizing strategies to increase the chances of a successful rehab from any addiction. Following self-healing principles, there is a close connection between addictions and the subconscious mind that often stores unresolved traumatic events. (Which we would rather forget)
Link: The Unifying Model of Addictions with its unique Energy-reward mechanism. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: I prefer meat over fish, with the same calories, because its digestion is prolonged and thus less fattening!
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