Discussion: Encounters with extraterrestrials must be trust builders.

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Encounters with extraterrestrials must be trust builders.

The small Earth delegation will be invited to visit the Sagittarius constellation, where the Extraterrestrial Federation Council meeting will occur.

The expedition (5-7 volunteers) will travel to the constellation of Sagittarius, a distance of about 450 light-years! The journey will take 3 weeks in Earth time. (The explanation is complex) The journey is intended to welcome humanity into the Federation's lap and give humanity a sense of security about what lies ahead. Extraterrestrials' advanced propulsion technology takes only 6-7 days in each direction.

I am convinced that the Federation's intentions are fair and not intended to deceive us. At the same time, it is essential that world leaders and the public worldwide feel entirely confident. An irresponsible reaction against the extraterrestrials can result in a terrible response.

Extraterrestrials will not show off their superiority!
The government's worldwide role is to ensure that there is no spontaneous, stupid military response that could endanger all humanity.

Very meticulous planning of the historical encounter with extraterrestrials requires a deep understanding of the other side, aspects that do not exist in the political and military establishment and may cause significant damage.
Local military reactions against extraterrestrial spacecraft have occurred before, so extraterrestrials are suspicious of us. The encounter must be conducted through persuasion, goodwill, and highly credible telepathic discourse.
The first encounter with extraterrestrials will be friendly and mainly intended to alleviate humans' fears of them.

The historic encounter with extraterrestrials will occur in the Antarctic continent. (Thier request)
The exact location will be kept secret for fear of leakage until the last few days.
I received the historic meeting place between humans and extraterrestrials through channeling. Of course, the location has been chosen very carefully. It is the most desolate and remote place on the planet, which can isolate, monitor, and prevent the entry of potentially hostile elements.

It is in a secret location in the center of the Antarctic continent, an area with no access to anyone except a minimal team of expeditions, including individual photographers.
The location was intended to prevent a possible military response by extremist elements. The meeting should be coordinated in advance, with the initial emphasis on confidence-building steps.
It is not certain that extraterrestrials like coffee and pastry, so it is essential to verify in advance what trust-building measures they take.
A small expedition of 3-5 volunteers to visit extraterrestrial civilizations for several days can be very beneficial, as the expedition members will recount their experiences after their return. As mentioned, I volunteered for the mission in advance!
I received a commitment (channeling directly to the Federation council) that the three-week journey of Earth's volunteers, including myself, would pass safely, with care taken of for the duration of the trip. (Thanks to converting to higher dimensions, extraterrestrials travel at speeds half a million times faster than the speed of light.)

I believe that the Federation's intentions are not to enslave us, but the intention is not enough; the path is also critical. Therefore, it is essential not to let generals and politicians manage the historical encounter with extraterrestrials. As mentioned, I volunteered to be the first Earth ambassador to the Extraterrestrial Federation.

It is essential to emphasize that we cannot stipulate conditions, only to persuade!

Continue reading:
Intriguing facts about extraterrestrial civilizations.
https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/124 (Copy & Paste)

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