Nash equilibrium - Named after the mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr.
Chronic infections (due to pathogens) comply fully with the Nash equilibrium. The fact that nature operates with outstanding mathematical efficiency has long been known and raises many philosophical questions. The human body optimally conserves life-force energy and fulfills the expected game theory! (Nash equilibrium)
All pathogens strategies (Except for carnivorous bacteria)
The pathogen wants to survive but does not want to kill the host.
The expansion was everywhere possible.
Enable "Superbug" peripheral protection as little as possible - utilizes energy that does not allow colony expansion.
Human strategy:
Boosting the immune system requires a lot of energy.
Antibiotics and similar medicines kill some pathogens at the cost of reducing the body's energy.
Steroids mitigate the symptoms and do not affect the pathogens. Prolonged use harms the body, but the painless mood may improve the body's energy and thus may help to eliminate the disease.
Note Energy= Life-force energy # (Not equal) calories.
Nash equilibrium - Named after the mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr.
Although a draw is not ideal for the human body, chronic inflammation constitutes a Nash equilibrium.
Suppose each player has chosen a strategy, and no player can benefit by changing strategies while the other players keep theirs unchanged. In that case, the current strategy choices and their corresponding payoffs constitute a Nash equilibrium.
More examples: Non–non-cooperative games.
The prisoner's dilemma is equilibrium when they are both traitors.
The bunny game equilibrium is when one travels straight, and the other deviates.
Does Nash (Mathematical) equilibrium exist in chronic infectious diseases? (Copy & Paste)
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