Discussion: Is the mathematical ability of plants and animals to optimize resources a result of evolution or something basic and structured in the first place? (This is how they were created)

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Is the mathematical ability of plants and animals to optimize resources a result of evolution or something basic and structured in the first place? (This is how they were created)

These are esoteric issues but significant in the existential aspect of whether we live in a simulation. Observing flora and fauna from the dawn of creation may illuminate far-reaching philosophical and scientific questions. It turns out that insects, flowers, and plants apply complex mathematical methods to optimize resources. For example, look for the explanations for why the beehive is made of hexagons, why flowers are arranged according to the Fibonacci series, etc. (There are many examples.) If we prove that a beehive 100 million years ago was actually in the shape of squares (compared to hexagons today), then there is proof that this is indeed an evolutionary event. If we assume they will find 480 million-year-old fossils of flies with eyes arranged in hexagons, then it is probably not about evolution but creation itself. The answer to these questions is more profound than can be described.

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