Discussion: Our body can recharge the life-force energy. It had a tremendous impact on my mental and physical health.

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Our body can recharge the life-force energy. It had a tremendous impact on my mental and physical health.

In my personal experience, the following actions can charge the energy of life. This list may seem trivial, but has been critical to my survival.

There are several ways to recharge the life energy in our body. Unfortunately, none are simple.
1 Natural, varied, fresh, healthy food charges life energy. In contrast, processed foods dissipate life energy.
2 Intermittent fasting.
3 Happiness, love, satisfaction, joy, and all positive emotions charge the energy of life. (The opposite is also true of negative emotions)
4 Sex with love or deep feelings can often recharge the energy of life. Sex without emotions consumes energy.
5 Controlled exposure to the sun not only produces vitamin D3 but also charges life energy.
6 Moderate exercise outdoors can charge the life-force energy.
7 Staying outdoors near high-concentration negative ions, especially near waterfalls, sea waves, or lightning storms.
8 Deep meditation, frequency music that penetrates the subconscious.
9 Acupuncture.

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