Industrial toothpaste contains powerful erosive substances that can eliminate scratches in the car bin. The question is whether you want such toothpaste in your mouth. I prefer not to. This homemade toothpaste recipe is very effective for smokers who have stains on their teeth.
I highly recommend natural kinds of toothpaste. They are very effective in removing smoking stains and tartar and do not contain any banned substances. You will find many recipes online. I prefer the following formula:
Two tablespoons of baking soda, a teaspoon of refined table salt, two tablespoons of bentonite clay powder, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and two tablespoons of cold-pressed coconut oil. Place the ingredients in a small glass jar with a lid and mix well before use. The ointment looks gray and tastes slightly salty. It is relatively low-priced and contains only natural ingredients.
Link: Use home remedies with natural ingredients at every opportunity. (Copy & Paste)
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