The answer depends very much on the patient's age. Cancer that breaks out at a young age (30 and under) is usually the result of unresolved mental trauma. In these cases, the subconscious's effect on the body is relatively rapid, and the body's alert is relatively short. When it comes to cancer at older ages, with a more significant impact from an unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition, the processes are much longer and slower, and there are early signs. Still, we do not attach the appropriate weight to them without pain. Weakness, bleeding gums, nail fungus, constipation, and gas in the digestive tract are clear signs, but it is difficult to attribute these symptoms to specific illnesses such as cancer.
Link: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories. (Copy & Paste)
Do cancer suddenly break out, or are there early signs?
07/04/2021 22:26
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