Of course, you should consult a gynecologist; there are treatments for HPV and also an effective vaccine. The papillomavirus is widespread, usually transmitted through sexual contact (STD). Both women and men can get it, which is a significant risk factor for cancer. The best way to treat papillomavirus is to strengthen the immune system naturally. Dietary change is the first step. If you are a healthy woman, the change should help you eliminate the phenomenon.
Recommended foods.
Fruits, vegetables, roots, mushrooms, sprouts, legumes, berries, nuts, and lentils.
Foods are rich in dietary fiber.
Non-genetically modified natural oils. (Cold-pressed only.)
All fermented products. (Such as goat yogurt.)
Deepwater fish - Rich in omega-3.
Goat milk and Yogurt.
Recommended foods to minimize or avoid totally.
A sharp reduction in eating industrialized and processed foods.
Plain sugars and All high glycemic carbohydrates. (Such as white flour and potatoes.)
Solidified vegetable oils - trans oils.
Animal protein:
Especially minced, smoked, and canned meat.
Dairy products, in general, especially hard cheeses.
The list may seem long and complex; the benefits go far beyond eliminating the pesky HPV infection.
Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/170 (Copy & Paste)
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