Cancer is a name that indicates a similar result to two interconnected phenomena. Allegedly, cancer is one group of diseases that affects all systems and organs of the body. In practice, cancer has two pathways:
1 One is mainly affected by unresolved traumas and relates to the emotional-energetic dimension. It is primarily a violent cancer, characteristic mainly of young people up to 30.
2 The second route is a much slower, much less violent cancer, which characterizes the elderly with a physiological background of accumulated tissue damage, mainly due to an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition. A significant group of 30-70-year-olds is a dynamic combination of these two groups.
Continue reading: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: What do these four groups of diseases (Allergies, Chronic inflammations, Cancer, Autoimmune diseases) have in common?
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