Migraines are symptoms of Intracranial pressure, which manifests in reduced blood flow of the jugular (neck veins) due to Inflammatory processes. Drug treatment for migraines is only meant to relieve the symptoms and not cure the disease! Recovery from migraines is possible only with the self-healing method. There is now a trend of more and more doctors recommending alternative (self-healing) therapies. In many hospitals, there is a department for alternative treatments. Yet, some physicians see self-healing functional medicine as a threat rather than an opportunity.
Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative-Functional) Medicine SWOT analysis.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/116 (Copy & Paste)
Alleviation of Migraine pain by Self-Healing Natural Medicine.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/125 (Copy & Paste)
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