The treatment of chronic kidney patients is essentially based on drugs that cannot cure the patient because the treatment is purely symptomatic. Healing the patient requires treating the causes of the disease. Only by constantly strengthening the immune system, combined with body, mind, and spirit, can chronic kidney diseases be cured. It is advisable to take advantage of the liver's remarkable regeneration capabilities to lower the burden on the injured kidneys.
There is now a trend of more and more doctors recommending alternative therapies. In many hospitals, there is a department for alternative treatments. Yet, without a medical philosophy, some physicians see self-healing functional medicine as a threat rather than an opportunity.
Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative-Functional) Medicine SWOT analysis. (Copy & Paste)
Chronic Kidney Disease. (CKD) | Avoid Dialysis using Self-Healing Medicine. (Copy & Paste)
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