This model suggests looking at sexual identities and orientations as an energy-based phenomenon rather than a genetic or social one. To understand the explanation, it is recommended that you read the article at the link below. Transgender people: The two magnetic pole configuration is the opposite location of what was supposed to be according to their biological sex. Continue reading Sexual Identities and Orientations Energy-Based Unifying Theory.
Note: Any living creature has two magnetic poles (red—-positive pole, negative—-blue), between which there is a three-dimensional magnetic field vortex, illustrated below.
Sexual identities. (A dichotomous scale.)
All Sexual Identities are predetermined at birth.
- Sexual identity is not entirely genetic; sex organs evolved genetically, but they do not define sexual identity as a single variable.
- I believe that sexual identity is primarily energetic, and since the magnetic poles are stable, the identity will remain for a lifetime.
Every person's sexual identity can be described energetically with two variables:
- E.S.I.C – Energetic Sexual Identity Conflict. (Values are 0 or 1)
- N.M.P.S - Number of Magnetic Poles Sets. (Values are 1 or 2)
The leading sexual identity issues are manifested in transgender and Androgynous people. (Both sexes.)
- Transgender people - Switching poles in the opposite direction. (From the expected position for the biological sexual identities.)
- A conflict is created when there is a mismatch between sexual identity and biological sexual identity. In this conflict, the energetic identity is stronger than the biological one.
- Androgynous people have a dual, feminine, and masculine identity, not necessarily with conflict in sexual identity.
- Energetically, females and males look the same. It might also explain the visual resemblance!
- A conflict between biological and energetic identities. (Without the urge to change the sex.)
Transgender people's energetic configuration:
The two magnetic pole configurations are in opposite locations from what they were supposed to be according to their biological sex.
- In transgender people, a mismatch creates a conflict between the biological sex and the energetic sex. Sex reassignment surgery is designed to bring the physical entity closer to the energetic, more powerful entity. Sex reassignment surgery makes transgender people feel whole about their sex.
In transgender people (women & men), the magnetic poles are switched opposite their biological position.
Therefore, there is a conflict between the energetic and biological bodies. (Illustrated below)
Typical magnetic pole locations for comparison are illustrated. (Heterosexual woman and man)
Continue reading Sexual Identities and Orientations Energy-Based Unifying Theory.