Kitchens robots will dramatically change the whole food industry.

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27/01/2021 8:39
The entry of robots into the home and industrial kitchens will dramatically change nutritional habits and the entire food industry.
Kitchens robots.

Restaurants also existed in the early 20th century, but they broke through and became very common after World War II. The food industry has undergone dramatic changes, industrializing food to make it cheap and accessible. Together with the accessibility of food, most of which is quick to prepare, chronic morbidity has increased dramatically.

The main advantage of preparing fast food is saving preparation time. However, kitchen robots that can do all the kitchen work will eliminate these savings and jumpstart the healthy food revolution of the 21st century.


People will continue to dine away from home, as eating together is a social event.

Ready-made, industrialized, and processed fast-food chains will gradually disappear. They will not be needed. Robots will perform all the tasks and serve the dishes quickly and without making mistakes or even tipping. The revolution will be so dramatic that it will affect the entire food production chain. 

  • The whole food chain will undergo a dramatic change for the better. There will be no point in fast food preparation and unhealthy food when, at a reasonable price, you will have a robot at home that will perform all the time-consuming tasks. The next nutritional revolution is robots that will perform all the complex functions of cooking and serving food.

This change will occur in the next decade or two, not in the distant future.

Continue reading: Kitchen robots will fundamentally change the food industry and eating habits.

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