The definitions themselves are of profound importance. Inflammation and pain (to varying degrees) accompany all people from the day they are born until the day they die.
The pain scale is a subjective measure of pain affected by its intensity, duration, and location.
The broad suggested definitions (without using synonyms) of inflammation and physical pain mirror each other.
Links: | What is inflammation? (Inflammation vs. Infection) | Pain (Wikipedia) |
If you look for definitions for physical pain, you will find that they are not uniform. It is worth emphasizing that pain and inflammation are mirror images of each other.
- "Inflammation - is a short or continuous immune response caused by temporary or permanent cell damage intended to rehabilitate the damaged tissue."
- "Physical pain - is a short or continuous alarm sensation caused by temporary or permanent cell damage (above a certain threshold) in tissue with sensory nerves (nociceptors)." Pain is a part of the self-defense mechanism.
Continue reading: Subjective pain scale and determining the objective pain level.
Prolonged pain severely impairs the patient's quality of life; however, painkillers do not cure the disease; they only alleviate the symptoms at the painful cost of long-term damage.