This model suggests viewing sexual identities and orientations as an energy-based phenomenon rather than a genetic or social one. It is recommended that you read the article at the attached link. Sexual Identities and Orientations Energy-Based Unifying Theory.
Note: Any living creature has two magnetic poles (red—-positive pole, negative—-blue), between which there is a three-dimensional magnetic field vortex, illustrated below.
All Sexual Identities and Orientations are explained by known magnetic properties: Attraction and Repulsion.
Sexual intercourse is not intended solely for reproduction or pleasure; it can generate a bi-directional life-force energy charging. This theory assumes that all sexual identities and orientations are explained by the human body's magnetic poles' configurations (positive and negative). ( The magnetic poles can have several configurations.)
- The premise is that we subconsciously feel the sexual identity and sexual orientation of the potential partner.
- The human body can sense and analyze the most suitable gender and the matching person to optimize the energetic transaction in the long term.
- Sexual intercourse is, in that sense, exchanging energy! To succeed in the long run, it has to be a win for both sides.
- Harmonic angles of the magnetic fields allow synchronization of the couple's magnetic fields. They are expressed in the potential for charging life-force energy and are reflected in sexual attraction. Non-harmonic angles of the magnetic field do not allow synchronization and express sexual Repulsion.
It is convenient to look at this model in an analogy we are all familiar with from cell phones. Humans also regularly need energy recharge. Food alone does not provide energy recharge. One common way is through having sex.
We all have a sexual identity, sexual orientation, and sexual behavior. These three definitions are related but not the same.
- Sexual identity - refers to the sex to which we feel emotionally-energetically connected; most often, it is our biological sex. Occasionally, there is a conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and the sex we feel connected to.
- Sexual orientation -usually answers the question of which sex we are attracted to. (Opposite sex, Same as ours, both sexes or neither.)
- Sexual behavior - How humans experience and express their sexuality. (Sexual behavior (Wikipedia))
Each of us has a definition of sexual identity and sexual orientation. In total, there are 9 combinations.
Each of us has a definition of sexual identity and sexual orientation. In total, there are 9 combinations.
Sexual identity is one-valued and uniform (one of three options—each side of the black triangle). Sexual orientation also has three options, allowing continuous values (within the blue triangle). The diagram of the two triangles schematically represents each of us's sexual identity and orientation.
Below is a brief list of all the possible combinations (without the probability that they will occur). Sexual identity is a dichotomous trait (yes, no), while sexual orientation is continuous.
- There is no conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and our energetic sex (Most of the population). The possible sexual orientation is the opposite sex (heterosexuals), the same sex (gays and lesbians), and bisexuals.
- With a conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and our energetic sex. (Transgender), The possible sexual orientation is the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.
- With a "special conflict" between the biological sex (with which we are born) and our energetic sex. (Androgynous), The possible sexual orientation is the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.
Asexuals are, by definition, non-participants. (They have no conflict with sexual identity and have no sexual orientation.)
Heterosexual woman and a man with the illustration of the energy flow. (Positive (red) to negative (blue))
Between the magnetic poles, there is a three-dimensional magnetic field vortex.
According to this theory, the main conclusions are as follows: (Very briefly)
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All sexual identities and orientations are the outcomes of the geometric configurations of the magnetic poles inside the human body. ( The magnetic poles can have many configurations.)
- The human body can sense and analyze the most suitable gender and person (with their sexual orientation) to optimize the energetic transaction in the long term.
- Sexual intercourse is, in that sense, exchanging energy! To succeed in the long run, it has to be a win for both sides.
Sexual identities. (Dichotomous scale)
- All Sexual Identities are predetermined at birth.
No conflict in sexual identity. (Most people)
- Without conflict in sexual identity, there is no contradiction between the biological identity and the one we feel associated with.
Conflict in sexual identity versus biological identity exists (in both sexes), primarily among transgender and androgynous people.
- Transgender people - Switching poles in the opposite direction. (From the expected position for the biological sexual identities.)
- Androgynous people have a dual, feminine, and masculine identity, not necessarily with conflict in sexual identity.
Sexual orientations. (Continuous scale)
- The magnetic poles' tilt alignment geometry determines all sexual orientations. (Excluding asexuals) Harmonic angles of the magnetic fields allow synchronization of the couple's magnetic fields. They are expressed in the potential for charging life-force energy and are reflected in sexual attraction. Non-harmonic angles of the magnetic field do not allow synchronization and express sexual Repulsion.
Asexuals, Heterosexuals, Lesbians, gays, and bisexuals are prominent sexual orientations.
- The magnetic field's location in the human body is predetermined at birth but is not part of the heredity. It is likely an environmental impact on their final location in the newborn body. (Fits in with a well-known paradox in which identical twins with identical genetic characteristics do not have the same sexual orientation.)
- Sexual Orientations are predetermined at birth for the majority of the population. Since it is a continuous scale, social and psychological reasons likely take place when people are close to the "separator range." (Virtual range)
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