04/12/2023 1:15
Medicine does not fully understand the causes of lipoma and mistakenly attributes obesity and heredity as the leading causes.

Since there are no random processes in the human body, there must be a unified explanation for the formation of lesions, lipomas, cysts, tumors, and cancer. (Special case) The theory in the attached link extensively describes the explanation with clear logic. Lipomas are common and usually not problematic. Lipoma is a manifestation of mild inflammatory processes along the partially blocked meridian.
Link: Various tumor types isolate damaged tissue in self-defense.
- Lipomas are not created out of thin air for no reason. As we know, the human body never acts randomly. Lipomas, like all other lesions, cysts, polyps, and benign tumors, are designed for self-defense. Lipoma is a symptom of an inflammatory process in relatively not very acute stages.
- The location of lipomas is not accidental. They are always along the energy channels, meridians. Because our bodies are networked with energy channels, lipomas can erupt almost anywhere in our bodies.
- As a patient with cirrhosis of the liver, I had many lipomas and cysts. I removed cysts several times surgically (local anesthesia), and they came back because they are a symptom of inflammation and energetic blockages along the meridian and not the disease itself.
If you want to understand which system in your body the lipoma is connected to, place your lipoma according to the meridian map.
Link: Yin Yang House Theory - Explore Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. (Interactive meridian maps)
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