It is well-known to science that retrieving precise details not in the available memory is possible. In a deep hypnotic state, people can produce accurate details, including thoughts, smells, events, images, ideas, and even fantasies.
Accurately recording all the activities we carry out in our lives requires enormous memory, so there are mechanisms of forgetfulness. On the other hand, all information is transferred to the Akashic library of cosmic knowledge in a process known to us as the deep dream state (REM). Not surprisingly, sleep disturbances impair memory.
The very act of documenting the entire course of our lives should lead us to ask philosophical questions: why is such a complex procedure required? The answer stems from the knowledge we have accumulated going from incarnation to incarnation and is not lost.
Link: Akashic record's existence may indicate we live in a SIMULATION!
The ideas I present may seem strange, but they are a logical consequence of human experience.