10/11/2023 4:24
The claim that medical lobbying does not affect doctors' judgment is false! If that were the case, why are pharmaceutical companies investing in it?

Medical lobbying is nothing new; it has existed for a long time. At the same time, the public is entirely unaware of the phenomenon and its possible effect on the medications they are taking.
- The pharmaceutical companies, which are among the most robust and most prosperous in the world, have found creative ways to reward doctors for prescription drugs, their companies, of course! Pampering seminars, tours, funding conferences, donations to the hospital, and more.
- The claim that these incentives do not affect the doctor is strange since pharmaceutical companies send representatives to medical centers and invest a fortune in lobbying! They wouldn't make an effort if it weren't economic! Doctors are human beings, and they surrender to the system.
- What is the financial scope of medical lobbying? It is tough to know because the expenses are hidden in the financial statements of the giant companies, and no one even bothers to examine the issue closely.
One would expect that medical lobbying would be forbidden by law! At the same time, no sane politician has spoken out against the pharmaceutical companies. The loss is entirely that of the public, which breaks new records for drug consumption every year.
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