An extraterrestrial energy-injecting device left marks on my hand.

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  4. An extraterrestrial energy-injecting device left marks on my hand.
27/10/2023 3:23
I regularly had similar marks, mostly on my arms and legs, without feeling anything. I must emphasize that extraterrestrials did not abduct me.
Extraterrestrial instrument marks.

Since these signs were repeated dozens of times, usually on the left hand, in the forearm area, I can rule out mosquito bites, etc. The intervals between the blood marks are usually almost identical. The frequency of the energy injection phenomenon varies, but it repeats itself systematically because I have not yet made a final recovery. My wife Alixin knows that I attribute this phenomenon to extraterrestrials! We joke that only I have extraterrestrial friends, whom I call Umi and Yumi. (Nicknames)


I know the story sounds a little strange! But it's real.

A quick Google search shows that people allegedly abducted by extraterrestrials report identical signs.

  • The identical marks on my hands and feet returned multiple times and were not due to injury or mosquito bites! They are signs made by extraterrestrials to help me stay alive by injecting life energy.

The locations of energy penetration are not accidental, and there are two signs. (entry and exit) is because energy always moves between poles.

  • The marks were often on the hands, sometimes on the legs. Since I am curious about extraterrestrials, I asked during channeling and was answered that it was indeed an extraterrestrial device.

When I asked (via channeling) how I couldn't see or notice anything, the answer was that extraterrestrials operate in higher dimensions, and entering our dimension for testing is too fast for me to notice. I must emphasize that I was not abducted! If extraterrestrials asked to test me, I would gladly accept. At the same time, it is evident that extraterrestrials are not interested in being exposed at this stage.


Continue reading: Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.

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