Energy medicine is critical in cancer and autoimmune patients.

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  4. Energy medicine is critical in cancer and autoimmune patients.
02/08/2023 3:38
Chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and addictions cannot be cured without control over the mental-energetic dimension.
Energy medicine.

Energy medicine includes a long list of therapies (as part of self-healing medicine). Because modern medicine does not have a clear philosophy, energetic medicine has no definitions. Acupuncture is a phenomenon that has been extensively researched, has scientific validation, and is a clear and recognized representative of energetic medicine. (Although it is not perceived as such) Energy medicine is the future of medicine since there is no doubt that the human body has energetic properties that are critical for our physical and mental health. 


Energy medicine is mistakenly perceived, especially in the West, as outdated medicine. 

Without the mental-energetic dimension that is affected by unresolved traumas that reside in the subconscious, many chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, mental disorders, addictions, and more cannot be cured. 

  • Few people know that acupuncture is an energy medicine technique, but it is not the only one. Meditation, yoga, guided imagery, and frequency medicine in music are just some notable examples.

The model, which is attached, suggests considering the long-term failure of the immune system as an energy failure, including cancer and autoimmune diseases.

The ideas of energy balance, manifested in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine as a condition for good health, are ahead of their time!


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Energy Medicine is the future of advanced healthcare.

Radiating the life-force energy will be the ultimate CURE.

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