Why is acid-base balance critical for proper immune function?

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30/07/2023 4:55
The acid-base balance in the digestive tract has a far-reaching effect on the immune system. Pathogenes thrive in an acidic environment.
Digestive system.

The acidity of saliva is almost neutral, slightly acidic. The stomach that breaks down food is highly acidic. On the other hand, the bile fluid produced in the liver and secreted by the gallbladder is strongly alkaline. The alkaline environment of bile fluid is supposed to neutralize the high acidity of food from the stomach into the duodenum and from there to the small intestine. Without sufficient bile, the intestines remain very acidic (because there is nothing to contradict the acidity). In such a situation, the intestinal flora is unbalanced and encourages the proliferation of pathogens in the digestive system. The immune system must fight off invaders to prevent them from spreading beyond the digestive system. Other internal systems in the human body are designed to be sterile.

  • Industrialized and processed foods are very acidic to the body. The combination of stress and anxiety is a tested recipe for weakening the immune system and symptoms of weakness, constipation, obesity, gas bloating, farting, decreased libido, various itching, nail fungus (in women, also vaginal fungus), and a long list of symptoms that people usually do not associate with the issue of intestinal acidity.

In the article in the attached link, you will find simple explanations on coping with and restoring the immune system naturally.


Continue reading: The holistic principle and balancing gut flora are essential.

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