The devastating health outcome of industrialized and processed foods.

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  4. The devastating health outcome of industrialized and processed foods.
02/07/2023 2:13
The destructive impact of industrialized and processed food manifests in almost every possible aspect. It also makes us gain weight faster!
Processed food.

The industrialized food revolution began after World War II and penetrated the entire world at all population levels. Poor populations often eat less quality food, and their impact is even more profound. The combination of a stressful lifestyle and an industrialized diet has led to the results we are experiencing today – record-breaking chronic morbidity!

Until a century ago, diabetes was a disease in marginal numbers. In the last 43 years, China has increased the number of diabetics (type 2) from about 2 to about 120 million. 60X! With morbidity rates similar to those of the West. The main explanation is a combination of industrialized and processed diets that have consistently penetrated China, largely due to the dramatic rise in living standards. The explanation has nothing to do with rice consumption. In modern China, there is no excessive consumption of sugars, and desserts are not part of the menu, so the conclusions are quite clear.


What are the main effects of processed and industrialized foods?

  1. Inflammatory to our bodies and weaken the immune system over time.
  2. Fatter than the same calories of natural food!
  3. It disrupts the hunger-satiety mechanism and causes obesity.
  4. Overload on the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.
  5. Increase in blood pressure and cholesterol.
  6. Insulin resistance and diabetes. (combined with anxieties and tensions)
  7. Impaired serotonin production in the gut impairs mood and causes depression.
  8. Promotes degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  9. Impairment of fertility of both sexes.
  10. Impairment of sexual function.

Processed and industrialized food exists everywhere; even fruit ripening today is industrialized. Unsurprisingly, there is no regulation on the subject. There are no definitions of processed and industrialized food—link: Classification into industrialized, processed food and beverages.

The economic damage to economies worldwide from processed and industrialized food is enormous! Medicine is aware of the damages, but the vast economic power of the food industry does not allow politicians and regulators to carry out significant reforms, only on the margins!




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