Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations accelerated human evolution.

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  4. Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations accelerated human evolution.
21/01/2023 15:01
I present a simple methodological simulation of the first apes that underwent the mutation that reduced their chromosome number to 46 as humans have. 

The idea that in about 7 million years, apes (chimpanzees) became by completely random natural selection humans (Homo sapiens) stems from Darwin's misunderstanding of the science of genetics, which did not exist at the time. But science dug into the idea because there was no other reasonable explanation in its place.

  • I didn't get an answer, but I was offered to settle for the answer I received.

Extraterrestrials explicitly admitted that humans do not originate from apes, and humans do not originate from Earth!


Darwinian evolution is so entrenched, with correct principles, of natural selection that science has not noticed that it is being dragged to the wrong places!

Fossil findings prove the theory, but indirect evidence should not be confused with scientific proof. 

  • Darwinian evolution was established in the 19th century when the science of genetics did not yet exist. The Darwinist theory is so entrenched and unquestionably accepted that scientists have not even bothered to test its plausibility, especially since all the apparent findings validate it. The principle of natural selection is valid, but as for everything else, a closer look casts excellent doubt.
  • The human brain is three times larger than a monkey's, and cognitive abilities vary accordingly. The step-by-step simulation of the first humanoid apes (human ancestors) with 46 chromosomes from apes with 48 chromosomes illustrates that it is unlikely.

A 10% efficiency of the human brain is astounding because it indicates a waste of resources!

  • A phenomenon that does not exist in nature under any circumstances. The principle of natural selection in Darwinian evolution is based on a relatively competitive survival advantage of random genetic changes.

A considerable excess of resources, without any competitive advantage, contradicts the principle of natural selection and points to a deliberate hand in human genetics.


A simple simulation of the first human ancestors—apes with 46 chromosomes illustrates it is unlikely.

I present a simple methodological simulation of the first apes that underwent the mutation that reduced their chromosome number to 46 as humans have. 

  1. Mutations caused the first-ever ape to fuse chromosomes, which were born with 46 chromosomes like humans. Instead of 48. (In most cases, such changes result in a sick animal with low survival)
  2. Suppose the (first) ancestor was healthy and survived; it could not have produced fertile offspring with another great ape. Such hybridization would have created an ape with 47 chromosomes (similar to humans with Down's syndrome), and most likely, that hybrid child would be infertile. (Similar to a mule, which is a cross between a horse and a donkey)
  3. Another possibility (even less likely) is that two identical mutations were created within a short time interval among opposite sexes that allow sexual reproduction.
    1. Since evolution requires inheritance, if such a pair were formed, the two individuals would have to mate with all the other individuals.
  4. Monkeys, including great apes, avoid incest, so this is unlikely. The first was created with 46 chromosomes because it required the nuclear family's mating.

The conclusion that humans descend from apes seemed self-evident at the time, but on closer inspection, it does not stand the test of reality! The ancient humans resembled monkeys, but the conclusion that they are a direct result of evolution from apes, which is entirely random and spontaneous, will not stand up to a much more accurate simulation.


The simulation of human ancestors—Allegedly apes with 46 chromosomes, is reviewed in greater detail. 

According to all indicators, the evolution of humans from apes began approximately 7 million years ago. Evolution is not an acquired trait; it must serve a survival purpose and be inherited. In mammals, only sexual reproduction is performed. (no self-fertilization)

  • Humans have 46 chromosomes, compared to apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans have 48 chromosomes). There is evidence that chromosome 2 in humans is formed from the fusion of two other chromosomes, which also exist in apes. Therefore, the theory of evolution is not contradictory.

The contradiction is found in the first iteration of apes with 46 chromosomes. (Allegedly our ancestors) 

  • The mutation of chromosome 2 fusion (reduction of chromosomes) had to be carried out in a male and a female within a relatively short time window between the life expectancy at that time and the period of fertility.

Hybrids that do not have the same number of chromosomes usually do not survive and, at best, are sterile. (Similar to a mule, which is a hybrid of a horse and a donkey)

  • This means the same chromosome 2 fusion mutation in the great apes but in the opposite sex would have occurred on a parallel schedule. And if that wasn't enough, those couples had to meet and produce fertile offspring!

A hybrid who underwent chromosome 2 fusion (with 46 human chromosomes) mated with an ape with 48 chromosomes would, at best, produce a sterile hybrid incapable of any evolution. (quite similar to a mule)

The scenario of an identical mutation in small time intervals, in members of female and male great apes that managed to mate and reproduce, becomes statistically extremely weak and requires more solid explanations than the existing ones.

It is essential to develop the mathematics and statistics of second-order events, in which animals evolved from entirely different species with different numbers of chromosomes because they are doubtful as random events!


Computational genetics using quantum super-computers may change our perceptions of Darwinian evolution. 

The science of computational genetics is approaching the point where quantum super-computers can simulate genetic evolution by reverse engineering from modern Homo sapiens to our ancestors. (Of which we have remnants of DNA)

  • I believe the simulation will reveal that the scenario of random evolution is statistically improbable.

The statistical conclusion would indicate that human heredity has undergone continuous enhancement, much more than once!


Continue reading: Human Evolution Must Have Been Accelerated By Extraterrestrials.

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