Patients in critical condition are willing to try anything.

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  4. Patients in critical condition are willing to try anything.
10/09/2020 17:35
I have tried to treat my severe liver disease in private clinics in Israel and the United States. Not only did they not help me, but they harmed me.
Dr. Li and myself 2009.

Patients suffering from severe illnesses and acute pain often try every possible solution! But sometimes, they fall victim to dubious clinics (even though they have qualified doctors) whose primary purpose is stimulating the patient to spend more money on treatments.

  • My attending physician at a private clinic in China, Dr. Lee, is Pictured. In the picture, I am after a combined treatment of six months in the liver that led to a complete blockage of the liver and processes of decay in my body, from which it is hard to believe that I survived. Recovery from my illness took 18 years, which is hard to describe in words.
  • I spent vast sums of money in vain attempts to care for myself. I finally realized I had to manage my healing. Luckily, the doctors who treated me in China were decent and honest. I first heard from a doctor he does not know, but he reads and checks. (Something in Western culture does not exist because the doctor ostensibly knows everything.)

It took me 6 years of terrible suffering, including visits to countless doctors, including in New York, to realize that conventional medicine could offer me nothing but a liver transplant, but I was too late.

Link: Choosing the most suitable self-healing functional therapy.

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