The abduction of humans created a bad image of extraterrestrials.

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  4. The abduction of humans created a bad image of extraterrestrials.
25/11/2020 14:16
Humans woke up in extraterrestrial spaceships; most stories are reliable; however, their interpretation requires profound explanation.

Most of the abductees suffered no physical damage, but some, especially those who remember, suffered emotional damage. The experience accompanied them for the rest of their lives. In most cases, the abductions began in childhood and continued into adulthood.

  • Abducting humans for experimental purposes and mutilating animals, often brutally, would give a wrong impression of extraterrestrials as violent. Extraterrestrials have indeed kidnapped humans for experimental purposes. Without justifying their actions, I suggest understanding the general context. 

In a shocking betrayal of trust, the superpowers cooperated with extraterrestrials in joint projects to achieve technological superiority. In return, they tacitly approved continuing experiments on Earth's humans, flora, and fauna.

  • In my view, the existence of extraterrestrials could not be revealed to the public without prior preparation. Still, politicians' sold humanity' for money, inter-bloc influence, and scientific, technological, and military advantage over competitors.

Although I reject these, I believe that commissions of inquiry and show trials will not heal the damage done over many decades under many presidents and administrations. These "people in black" intimidated, harassed, and acted illegally, but they were only the cogs of the system.


The Council of the Extraterrestrial Federation has instructed all its members (55 civilizations) to treat humans respectfully.

  • Extraterrestrials explicitly acknowledge and half-heartedly apologize for some of the incidents perpetrated by extraterrestrial civilizations that considered humans "inferior."
  • Extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth since the dawn of creation. Human experiments have existed throughout history. The experiments were not intended to harm humans; on the contrary! For the most part, extraterrestrials have treated health problems discovered in patients. It is essential to emphasize that extraterrestrials did not conceive human females, were not raped, and were never born hybrid offspring. Human eggs and sperm were extracted for experimental purposes.
  • In many cases, the people who woke up aboard extraterrestrial spaceships were emotionally damaged and traumatized. There are cases of people who have suffered from radiation poisoning. Extraterrestrials admit that these events must stop.

Extraterrestrials have clarified that after Earth joins the Extraterrestrial Federation, human experiments will only be carried out on volunteers treated by extraterrestrial doctors in joint coordination.


Will it be necessary to establish commissions of inquiry and punish the guilty?

Cooperation between extraterrestrials and several superpowers has been ongoing through administrations and presidents for decades. None of them changed their positions on the issue, and in fact, they tacitly permitted experimentation on humans, flora, and fauna on Earth.

Whether it will be necessary to establish a commission of inquiry is a political issue. Still, in my opinion, there is a need to take several more important actions than punishing the guilty (who have usually already aged or died):

  1. A coordinating body, led by the superpowers, will be established to represent all the governments of the countries on Earth on extraterrestrial issues.
  2. All laboratories shared by extraterrestrials and humans will be immediately dismantled and dispersed, pending the establishment of a joint working protocol, including ethical supervision and control.
  3. I propose preventing protracted trials that will paralyze the judicial system for years and granting a sweeping amnesty to those who dealt with the issue. (Only in the extraterrestrial context)
  4. All confidential files will be handed over to the victims of the abductions or their immediate family members.
  5. Issue a public apology to the victims of the abductions. Offer all victims who feel mentally or physically vulnerable assistance at the expense of the state.
  6. Ensure that henceforth, human and animal experimentation is carried out following generally accepted ethical rules, which will be agreed upon with the Federation Council at the time the Earth joins the Federation Council.

It is essential to know that extraterrestrials have conducted experiments on humans, which are (rightly) perceived as unethical. (I don't deliberately elaborate) in my latest channels (from 2024), the Federation Council has clarified that it has stopped experimenting with genetics that combine animal and human genomes. At the same time, close supervision, monitoring, and control are required in other ethical matters, some unfamiliar to science and human medicine.

There is also the glass half full: extraterrestrials have vast knowledge of human medicine and will be asked to help with these issues in integrated clinics.


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