The physical-mathematical and energetic laws that govern the universe have a far-reaching impact on the cosmos. We all seek legality in chaos. As we delve deeper into science, mathematics, and philosophy, we will find that there are still answers we will never comprehend!
The suggested philosophical model combines superdeterminism and free will.
This short philosophical essay is a collection of insights I gathered over many years when I was on the brink of death. The discussion in this article is entirely philosophical, does not pretend to be a scientific discussion, and does not express an opinion on questions concerning the various religions.
Except for a few milestones, we must pass through life's journey; all other decisions are of free will.
The purpose of human existence has occupied philosophers since the dawn of history. Different schools of thought exist, but no conclusions can be reached. Quite surprisingly, philosophy touches on these limitations of mathematics and computer science. Two very well-known theories of Alan Turing, the Halting Problem and Kurt Goodell's Mathematical Incompleteness, explain that there is no way to prove when situations are true or false.
The purpose of human existence depends on the answer to a more profound question!
Life's journey has excellent meaning if we assume the cycle of nature, that is, the eternity of the soul, in which the physical body dies, but the soul (energy) undergoes a spiritual journey. If we assume that human existence is one-time, then the whole purpose of existence changes completely: "Take as much as you can."
- Which of the schools is the right one, we cannot prove! But if you look at religions, you will find that the themes of righteousness and evil, evil and good, have occupied theologians since the dawn of history.
- The one who finished his life's course and managed to cope well with the difficulties will arrive at a higher energy level in the next reincarnation, the one who fails! Decreased in energy level (a particular imagination for computer games), whoever succeeds in passing all the tests throughout many generations of incarnations and is completely enlightened - will become an angel. Angels can return to Earth as mortals, while others choose to remain in their invisible energy level. (in the sky)
The stories of heaven and hell are not the hand of chance! They arise from a complex moral problem of a righteous man who suffers a lot; in contrast, evil is good for him and very successful. Settling the paradox is through continuity and balance in the following incarnations.
Assuming that the spirit is eternal (only the physical body dies), what is the purpose of human existence?
Life is a lesson whose purpose is to allow us to reach on our own, through life's journey, insights that will raise us on a spiritual-energetic level in preparation for our next incarnation, thereby contributing to the entire universe. To fulfill our destiny, we must satisfy milestones set for us in advance. If we fail to complete them, we will return to them in the next incarnation to meet them!
- The relevant milestones are significant in our lives, often related to choosing a partner, studies, employment, finances, children, unique experiences, and illnesses.
Most of our decisions are unrelated to the milestones; we have complete freedom of choice.
Deciding what to eat for breakfast (an example used by many philosophers) is irrelevant to the discussion because it has nothing to do with our milestones.
- We do not have absolute freedom of choice - only in those decisions that can cause us to deviate from the path that leads us to the set milestones. Don't expect to "feel" like you don't have complete freedom of choice. We all always have absolute freedom of choice!
- The simple flow chart of our choices can also be presented as a computer program that opens or closes doors.
If people knew they didn't have absolute freedom of choice - they would lose motivation!
The fact that we feel we have complete freedom of choice is a necessary result but not necessarily actual!
- Do you think that choosing your partner is random? The answer is that you have no way of knowing! It is likely not entirely free will!
Many researchers who bring examples from neuroscience confuse intuition, a mechanism that bypasses logic, with determinism.
Many of the decisions we make in life are intuitive, and they are designed to save energy. Intuition is a route that bypasses logic, saves resources, and is very fast.
- The fact that we make decisions intuitively does not prove the correctness of any of the schools.
The computing power required to simulate milestones strengthens the theoretical possibility that we live in a simulation but does not prove anything.