Summary of known facts regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.

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  4. Summary of known facts regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
28/11/2021 5:38
A summary of all the accumulated information about extraterrestrial civilizations, human interfaces, and upcoming historical documented encounters.

The questions and answers summarize comprehensive topics I have covered in more detail in separate posts. Many questions still have no answers. In this post, I provide a glimpse, in points only, of most of the information I have accumulated about extraterrestrials.

Readers' questions encompass the full spectrum of extraterrestrial topics and reflect the public's overwhelming interest in extraterrestrials. Additional updated information to complete the big picture about extraterrestrials, concise in points only and with the same headlines, can be found at the following link: Readers' inquiries regarding extraterrestrials and human encounters.


  • The blog on extraterrestrials is dedicated to the late Adrian Dvir, a computer engineer, medium, and founder of extraterrestrial civilizations science. Link: Adrian Dvir is the founder of extraterrestrial civilizations science. Much of the information I provide on this blog is based on Adrian Dvir's book, X3 Healing, Beings, and Extraterrestrials, including my direct channeling with extraterrestrials. 
  • I wish to emphasize that, unlike humans, who are a uniform species (homo-sapiens), extraterrestrials have various species that differ significantly. Therefore, the answers relate to a broad common denominator. 

In April 2024, extraterrestrials mentioned (via channeling) that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials would occur in 2026 after several natural catastrophic events. The historical encounter with extraterrestrials will be with extraterrestrials with a very different appearance that does not resemble humans.


The Q&A is divided into six separate subcategories.

  1. General information regarding Extraterrestrials. 
  2. Interfaces of extraterrestrial civilizations and human encounters.
  3. Morphology and features of extraterrestrials compared to humans. 
  4. Extraterrestrials must have accelerated human evolution.
  5. Extraterrestrial lifestyle and nutrition.
  6. How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?


1 General information regarding Extraterrestrials. 

What determines the population size of extraterrestrial species?

The principles that apply on Earth also apply to extraterrestrials:

  1. The longer the life expectancy, the more the survival of a species is guaranteed, and the rate of procreation decreases. Because extraterrestrials live for thousands of years, they do not need frequent breeding. (especially when it comes to asexual reproduction)
  2. Environmental threats (affect life expectancy) and endanger the species' avenues; therefore, threats increase (not immediately) the scope of the population. After wars on Earth, the birth rate rises. 
  3. The resources available to civilization are critical to its size. At the same time, extraterrestrials are careful to maintain balance in nature and do not pollute the environment. 

The size of the extraterrestrial civilization's population ranges from a few thousand to billions. The huge disparities stem from the variation in planets and living conditions.

Do extraterrestrials have moral values?

  • Extraterrestrials have no human feelings but possess solid moral values and justice. Otherwise, it would be terrifying to meet them!

Are extraterrestrials made of organic materials?

  • Extraterrestrials are made of organic materials because they have a distinct advantage. They need a physiological system and morphology reminiscent of humans, with significant differences.

Does the morphology of extraterrestrials resemble that of humans?

  • Extraterrestrials have limbs, a large head, large eyes, ears, and bodies of wildly varying sizes (depending on the gravity of the star they come from). Some have a height of 4 meters! while some are very short. The physiology of extraterrestrials is adapted to their environment; therefore, their anatomy is entirely different from that of humans.

Do extraterrestrials eat and breathe?

  • Extraterrestrials are made of organic materials and eat organic food that requires decomposition into energy. Extraterrestrials breathe oxygen because anaerobic decomposition is less energy efficient. Extraterrestrials are very efficient in energy utilization and have a slow metabolism. At the same time, extraterrestrials emit debris from their bodies.

How do extraterrestrials reproduce?

Mammal extraterrestrials exist but are still in an experimental setting and a marginal minority.

  • Since extraterrestrials have diverse life forms, the answer is not uniform. Some extraterrestrial life forms, like humans, reproduce through genetic engineering and version upgrades.
  • There are life forms originating from the evolution of reptiles and insects in which the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes them. The offspring grow in a shared nest; just don't be confused; this is a very developed extraterrestrial civilization.
  • Humans are probably among the few civilizations that reproduce through sexual intercourse. Therefore, we are also notably of interest.

Do extraterrestrials have "human emotions"?

  • Extraterrestrials have no human emotions. At the same time, they can understand the energetic expression of feelings.

How many extraterrestrial civilizations are there?

  • The Federation of Extraterrestrial Civilizations currently includes 55 civilizations (excluding Earth). However, it is estimated that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is worth emphasizing that since the universe is infinite, it is impossible to know exact numbers.

What is the role of the Council of the Extraterrestrial Federation?

  • The Council of the Extraterrestrial Federation is a democratic body that manages and represents all its members. Its role is to ensure that conflicts do not arise between civilizations, promote research topics, and protect federation members.
  • This ancient body has excellent powers and employs inspectors to implement the Council's deliberations.
  • When the time comes, Earth will be asked to elect a member of the Federation Council because the elected representative must have high telepathic abilities and not be a politician! I presented my candidacy to the Federation, which has veto power over the elected representatives.


2 Interfaces of extraterrestrial civilizations and human encounters.

Are we mentally prepared for an encounter with extraterrestrials?

Early preparation for an encounter with extraterrestrials is critical to preventing panic and military response against extraterrestrials.

  • On October 30, 1938, in honor of Halloween the next day, Orson Wells aired a radio program on CBS Radio based on a book by Herbert George Wells called "War of the Worlds," which described the Martian invasion of Earth. The results were mass panic. Imagine a live TV show of an extraterrestrial spacecraft landing on Earth without prior preparations—panic is guaranteed! 

What motivation do extraterrestrial civilizations have to investigate Earth? 

  • Encounters between humans and extraterrestrials have occurred regularly throughout history. Humans worshipped them and saw extraterrestrials as idols.
  • Earth enjoys a favorable climate, water, Sun, and many flora and fauna, making it an extensive ground for in-depth study by extraterrestrials. Humans have very different personality traits than extraterrestrials, including morphologically similar ones. Humans breed in sexual reproduction, which is very intriguing to extraterrestrials because it is unique. 

Will extraterrestrials invade Erath?

  • Extraterrestrials are already here and have accompanied Earth since its creation. They do not pose a military threat to us. The concerns are understandable but are not realistic.

Do extraterrestrials abduct humans?

  • Humans woke up in extraterrestrial spaceships; most stories are reliable; however, their interpretation requires profound explanation.

Most extraterrestrial civilizations are human-friendly.

  • Most extraterrestrial civilizations are human-friendly and here to help us in many ways. There are also unfriendly civilizations.

Intellectual property originating from extraterrestrials will belong to humanity.

  • Intellectual property originating from extraterrestrials will be given to all humanity. 
  • An extraterrestrial technology that will be handed over to humans is worth enormous sums of money, will acquire vast political power, and will be handed over to all of humanity in a central extraterrestrial technological repository.

Humanity has failed and needs massive changes.

  • Extraterrestrials make it clear via channeling that humanity faces the danger of self-destruction, so their intervention is inevitable.

Do extraterrestrials know about human medicine?

  • Extraterrestrials have vast knowledge about human medicine and technologies unknown to human science.

Can extraterrestrials get human diseases?

  • There are many species of extraterrestrials, all of which have different anatomy and physiology from humans, but human pathogens can be dangerous for them.

Are you afraid of extraterrestrials because of their unusual appearance?

  • The fear of extraterrestrials is rational, not because of their appearance but because the public is unaware of their intentions.

Extraterrestrial technologies will cause rapid geopolitical changes.

  • Extraterrestrial technologies, efficient and inexpensive energy production, communications, and computing could completely change the geopolitical map.

We are in the first stage of four, to an extraterrestrial encounter.

  • The first encounter with extraterrestrials will be well-planned and coordinated with the extraterrestrials in two phases and four stages.

Encounters with extraterrestrials must be trust builders.

  • The expedition (5-7 volunteers) will travel to the constellation of Sagittarius, a distance of about 450 light-years! The journey is intended to welcome humanity into the Federation's lap and give humanity a sense of security about what lies ahead.

Humanity's independence in all circumstances is vital.

  • Humanity's accession to the Extraterrestrial Federation (55 advanced civilizations) should reflect mutual respect, decency, and independence of humans.

The historic encounter with extraterrestrials involves risks.

  • Humanity's potential for encounters with extraterrestrials is indescribable. However, it is also fraught with risks that must be managed.

Extraterrestrials will prevent a possible military response from Erath.

  • Extraterrestrials are aware of the risk of a military response by separatists who will feel threatened by an encounter with them and, therefore, prevent it.

War with extraterrestrials means the destruction of Earth.

  • In movies, the people of Earth beat the extraterrestrials! But don't be fooled; extraterrestrials are more technologically advanced than us on a whole scale.

Extraterrestrials regularly monitor nuclear facilities.

  • Extraterrestrials are aware of and monitor nuclear weapons to prevent the possible destruction of Earth by its inhabitants.

Does an encounter with extraterrestrials threaten religions?

  • The historical encounter with extraterrestrials has social and religious implications, so the encounter will not be a surprise.
  • I believe religions will return to functioning after a temporary crisis while making methodological adjustments to the changing reality. Religions will not disappear!

Oumuamua is indeed an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

  • The debate surrounding the Oumuamua "cruiser" spotted in Hawaii ignited the astrophysics world with a fierce debate about extraterrestrials.
  • The Oumuamua was deliberately moving at a relatively slow speed so that it could be detected. Extraterrestrials emphasized that they could, of course, avoid detection. The discovery itself was deliberate, raising awareness of extraterrestrials.

I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.

  • The identity of Earth's ambassador is of great importance in representing Earth's interests in terms of advocacy before the Federation Council. The telepathic messages must be very credible in the eyes of the Federation Council. Therefore, I offer myself as Earth's ambassador.

International UFOs and extraterrestrials awareness year 2025.

  • I propose to announce the International Year of UFO and Extraterrestrial Awareness 2025 to increase public awareness of extraterrestrials.

The year 2025 is a turning point for humanity.

  • Dramatic events are expected to improve humanity toward the end of 2024, but they begin with a seemingly random crisis of nature.

A mega earthquake is expected in 2025. (Hopefully not!)

  • Shifting tectonic plates are expected to cause an earthquake and volcanic eruption in San Francisco, West Coast, and Alaska.

Will extraterrestrials reveal to us all the secrets of life's essence?

  • Information from extraterrestrials will revolutionize all aspects of life but will not solve all the secrets of life's essence.


3 Morphology and features of extraterrestrials compared to humans.

Are extraterrestrials sighted and invisible?

  • Extraterrestrials can move to other dimensions through a considerable energy investment. In different dimensions, they are invisible to us. These are science and technologies that are not yet known to humanity.

Do extraterrestrials experience feelings of love and hate?

  • Extraterrestrials have no human emotions but can interpret the energetic translation of love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge better than we do, and they have highly developed psychic properties.

Do extraterrestrials urinate and feces?

  • Since extraterrestrials eat organic food, they must remove waste from their bodies. The anatomy and physiology of extraterrestrials is entirely different. It's slower and more efficient. Extraterrestrials do not urinate but remove solid waste mixed with water-soluble products from their bodies. (substitute for urination)

Do extraterrestrials have body and head hair?

  • Most extraterrestrial species have no hair at all. However, there are extraterrestrials with a human appearance who have human-like fibers on their heads.

Do extraterrestrials think humans are ugly?

  • Extraterrestrials have been studying humanity since the dawn of creation. They are accustomed to human appearance, in stark contrast to humans not accustomed to extraterrestrial appearances, especially non-human ones.

Do extraterrestrials dress and perfume nicely for their partner?

  • Most extraterrestrials breed asexually and have no mates. There are extraterrestrial species with a distinction between males and females, but no courtship process requires clothing, perfume, or sexual attraction.

Do extraterrestrials have an advantage in asexual reproduction over mammals and humans?

  • It is a vast subject that extraterrestrials have been studying for thousands of years, and the answer is mainly related to the living environment. Mammals have a deeper familial and socio-tribal relationship that is a competitive advantage in a hostile environment with limited resources. At the same time, it is an energy-wasting way of life that does not allow for a long lifespan and is not adapted to the living environment of highly developed extraterrestrials.


4 Extraterrestrials must have accelerated human evolution.

DNA is the fundamental building block of life in the universe.

  • Just as the DNA building blocks in our world are uniform, so is the entire universe. DNA is a technological marvel, no less!

Second-order evolution is impossible!

  • Second-order evolution, with a change in the number of chromosomes, is theoretically possible but practically improbable.

Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations accelerated human evolution.

  • Extraterrestrials explicitly admitted that humans do not originate from apes, and humans do not originate from Earth! I didn't get an answer when I asked if humans originated from March. I was offered to settle for the answer I received.

Humans were genetically engineered in the form of extraterrestrials.

  • Humans are not descendants of apes but the product of genetic experimentation of extraterrestrial races morphologically reminiscent of humans.
  • Although certain extraterrestrial races may appear similar to humans on the outside, they are anatomically and physiologically different- and their genetics are entirely different. Thus, to the disappointment of all genre lovers, it is impossible for extraterrestrials to breed with humans and have offspring.

All flora and fauna on Earth originated from extraterrestrial intervention.

  • The message is unimaginable! But everything we know is based on the erroneous assumptions of Darwin's theory of evolution. (Partially correct)


5 Extraterrestrial lifestyle and nutrition.

The Federation Council of Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

  • The Federation of Extraterrestrial Civilizations is a powerful executive body that brings together 55 advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

How do extraterrestrials achieve a life expectancy of thousands of years?

  1. Extraterrestrials are genetically adapted to their environment almost perfectly.
  2. Extraterrestrials have no personal ego, and although they are very accomplished, they are not competitive because of a predetermined destiny.
  3. Extraterrestrials sometimes live in other, less dense dimensions, so their physiology is also much slower and allows for a low metabolic load, which translates into a high life expectancy.
  4. Extraterrestrials live without environmental infections and pathogens, so their immune system does not need to strain and deplete resources and life energy. 

Where do extraterrestrials live?

  • Extraterrestrials live in cities with pyramid-like houses and a Tesla sphere on top designed for wireless energy capture. They also have flying vehicles with docking stations at different heights.

Do extraterrestrials eat?

  • Organic organisms eat organic food. Therefore, extraterrestrials must eat, breathe, and emit digestive and degradation products.

Extraterrestrials have a well-developed sense of humor.

  • A sense of humor plays a vital role in energy discharge and balance. Therefore, we like to be in the company of people with a sense of humor.

Do extraterrestrials possess a language and write?

  • Extraterrestrials have spoken language and writing but usually use telepathy for fast, efficient communication. Languages are not uniform for all civilizations.

How do extraterrestrials spend their free time?

  • Extraterrestrials have a lot of leisure time, mainly for study and enrichment. Learning is essential for extraterrestrials to fulfill tasks.


6 How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?

Extraterrestrials are on different scales above human technologies and scientific knowledge. Index for technology level of space-traveling civilizations. This index is accepted by extraterrestrials, according to which we are ten scales behind! The gaps cannot be translated into time terms as we know them.

  • The system of ranking technological development proposed by Kardashev in 1964 brought about a conceptual revolution, and rightly so. However, its arguments are no longer valid when an ultimate energy source such as nuclear fusion is abundant. As an update to the Kardashev scale, I propose an updated scale that is simple, objective, and independent of the civilization's population size.

How do extraterrestrials communicate among themselves?

  • Radio waves (electromagnetic radiation) travel at the speed of light, which is too slow to travel through the infinite space of the cosmos.
  • Extraterrestrials have languages and writing, but they usually communicate through telepathy, a high-speed and efficient communication (for those who practice it). Telepathic communication is based on a physical principle called quantum entanglement. (Only with other insights)

How do extraterrestrials travel in the universe?

  • Extraterrestrials travel in spacecraft powered by nuclear fusion energy (like that found in the Sun) at speeds half a million times above the speed of light. The possibility of moving at speeds exceeding the speed of light exists in higher dimensions than the three dimensions to which we are accustomed. The communication of extraterrestrials is also carried out at the same speeds.

How do extraterrestrials achieve speeds 500K times faster than light?

  • At speeds half a million times the speed of light, extraterrestrials travel about a light-year distance in one minute! (almost imaginary)

Do extraterrestrials have computers?

  • Extraterrestrials regularly use potent computers. We and many other technologies got the binary principle from them.

Examples of technology and extraterrestrial knowledge used by humans.

  • Acupuncture and astrology are knowledge obtained from extraterrestrials.
  • Viruses are the product of advanced extraterrestrial genetic engineering.
  • Human evolution is based on extraterrestrial intervention. Humans are hybrids of extraterrestrials genetically engineered by advanced extraterrestrials.

Extraterrestrials have powerful supersensory capabilities.

  • Extraterrestrials have large, well-developed heads, eyes, and ears, and they have the psychic mind-reading abilities of humans—abilities that only exist in movies.

Events anticipated by extraterrestrials are not deterministic!

  • The future is interconnected with the past and has a deterministic component combined with chaos, so events I receive through channeling happen but don't necessarily happen.

The sync of extraterrestrial time with ours manifests a philosophical paradox.

  • Extraterrestrials also have notions of time. The paradoxical part is the synchronization between their and humans' time scales. The fact that human time is seemingly transparent to extraterrestrials and allows them to move through our time raises deep philosophical questions.


Continue reading: Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.

Dealing with extraterrestrials is fascinating. The deeper you go, the more you will discover endless questions, most of which still have no answer, at least one that is understandable.

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