31/05/2021 12:56
Although women smoke and drink less alcohol than men, the explanation is more profound and related to different biological-energetic properties.

There are two dimensions to explaining why, on average, female mammals have a longer life expectancy than males. One explanation is biological-physiological, and the other is energetic. Both point to a clear direction of advantage for females in life expectancy.
The hormonal-physiological explanation.
Some of the gaps in women's and men's life expectancy are also due to gaps in lifestyle, employment, and diet, but this is a widespread phenomenon in almost all species of mammals. Therefore, the explanation must be more biological.
- The female hormone estrogen, secreted during a woman's fertility period, protects the liver. A robust immune system is essential for a long lifespan. The liver and kidneys directly affect the physiological system; therefore, a more vital liver provides a longer lifespan.
- The explanation for the phenomenon is evolutionary. Females play a crucial role in childbirth and raising offspring, so nature has given them a significant physiological advantage. On the other hand, the male hormone testosterone enables a rapid increase in muscle mass.
However, physical strength in the modern world is often unnecessary for survival and does not increase life expectancy!
Heterosexual woman and a man with the illustration of the magnetic poles and energy flow. (Positive (red) to negative (blue))
Between the magnetic poles, there is a three-dimensional magnetic field vortex.

The energetic dimension has a far-reaching effect on life expectancy.
- The positive pole (giving) of men is in the groin area, while the women's is in the chest area, near the heart. The man's negative pole is located in the chest area, while in the woman's groin, in opposite locations.
- During sexual intercourse, the man wastes a lot of life energy. If it is not charged (through an emotional connection from the woman, (or another compatible partner), it consumes life energy faster than that of women.
Who is the strongest sex? You will judge.
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